CheckProof for Concrete

Optimize your concrete business

Whether your business runs a mobile plant, static plants, ready-mix trucks, or pump trucks: streamlined routines and documentation are crucial to stay ahead. Discover the mobile-first platform that allows you to increase asset availability, reduce the risk of workplace accidents – and gather all relevant data in one place.

At a glance

4 benefits of implementing CheckProof in your concrete business


Increased asset availability


Improved health safety


Reduced dependence on key employees


Streamlined quality control

Effective maintenance for the concrete industry

To run an effective and profitable factory or ready-mix concrete plant, you need to stay on top of your maintenance plan. Because when you look after your equipment the right way, it won’t fail you when you need it the most. This includes everything from regular cleaning and greasing to equipment repairs and replacement of components. By optimizing your maintenance processes, you prevent unplanned downtime and costly failures.

Maintenance checklists for concrete suppliers at every stage of the production

CheckProof lets you create customized, easy-to-follow maintenance checklists for every part of the process – from producing the raw materials in a factory to pumping concrete from a truck on a construction site. Include pictures to make the steps clearer, or make taking a photo a mandatory part of completing certain tasks. And since every check is logged digitally with time, location, and operator, you’ll always have full documentation for customers and third-party inspections.

Examples of maintenance checks you can include in your CheckProof platform:

Daily, weekly, and monthly inspections

Start-of-day and shut-down routines

Cleaning procedures

Step-by-step checklists for critical tasks

Condition-based maintenance checks triggered by IoT data


Close the gap between frontline and management

The quicker a deviation is reported, the quicker it’s corrected. If your frontline workers need to fill out a paper form or reach the right person on the phone to set the ball in motion, chances are that critical information will be lost along the way. This gap in communication turns minor issues into major malfunctions.

Instant deviation reports straight from the field

With CheckProof, the operator who discovers a deviation reports it instantly into the platform from their mobile device. A manager is notified automatically and can assess the urgency, set a due date, and follow up to make sure the issue is dealt with in time. All communication between the frontline and the managers is kept in the ticket, ensuring full traceability on all sides.

Keep track of key metrics from multiple data sources

Keeping track of key metrics such as productivity, energy consumption, quality control, and safety incidents across your business requires vast amounts of data. Some of this information will come from frontline staff; some from machines and vehicles connected through IoT. But unless it's gathered and managed in a structured way, all this data won’t turn into actionable insights.

Integrations that enable condition-based maintenance

Since CheckProof has integrations with well-known OEMs, and a API to communicate with your CheckProof account, you’ll stream IoT data directly from a wide range of assets into the platform, enabling condition-based maintenance. This way, tasks or checks are created automatically in the platform whenever the connected sensors report pressure, energy consumption, water flow, or other relevant factors that exceed or fall below a predefined value.

By combining telematics data with operator reports, you get a complete overview of your operations.


Mitigate health and safety risks in the concrete industry

“We checked last week, it won’t make any difference if we skip this one time”. It’s understandable if frontline staff get a bit blasé about safety inspections – especially when working unsupervised, which is common in the concrete industry.

If the safety valves at the top of a cement silo were fine last week (and the week before), skipping the climb ‘just this once’ might not seem like a big deal. But the consequences of letting things slide in a production plant can be catastrophic. If a 60-pound steel piece comes flying off, a hard hat won’t help.

And when a concrete pump is being established on a road or construction site, members of the public risk being harmed if something goes wrong. After all, it only takes a small error in the ground properties, weight distribution, and positioning of the pump’s support legs for an accident to occur.  

We checked last week, it won’t make any difference if we skip this one time!

Fool-proof safety routines with RFID tags

CheckProof’s user-friendly checklists help you ensure safe and correct procedures at all times – even by someone new to your site. And to be 100% certain that checks have been carried out on-site, you can attach RFID tags to critical parts of your equipment or facility. Connect each tag to a corresponding task in the CheckProof platform. To mark the task as complete, the staff member needs to scan the tag with their mobile device.

Traceable quality control for your concrete production

The concrete you provide to your customers’ construction or infrastructure projects needs to fulfill specific requirements. Structured processes for sampling, testing, and documenting your product quality, as well as managing any deviations, will support the continuous improvement of your products. And, as a bonus, prevent costly warranty claims.

Quality documentation of incoming raw materials
The concrete you provide to your customers’ construction or infrastructure projects needs to fulfill specific requirements. Structured processes for sampling, testing, and documenting your product quality, as well as managing any deviations, will support the continuous improvement of your products. And, as a bonus, prevent costly warranty claims.

Frontline worker reports deviations with a user friendly app

Full HSEQ records for inspections, audits, and certifications

Running your production plant in compliance with local regulations, as well as CE and ISO certification requirements, is vital. It helps you ensure the health and safety of your staff, a high-quality output to customers, and minimize the impact of your operations on the environment. To prove your compliance to third-party auditors, you need detailed logs of your HSEQ routines.

CheckProof’s platform automatically logs all checks in real-time, as they’re carried out on-site, which reduces the risk of information being lost. And instead of having to search for the right piece of paper or spreadsheet whenever there’s an unannounced inspection, you can instantly provide a complete and traceable record to internal and external stakeholders.

Structured incident and non-conformities management for the concrete industry

If you want your maintenance, health & safety, and quality control efforts to make a lasting impact on your business, you need more than effective routines. By systematically following up on reported issues, you’ll enable data-driven improvement across your entire organization. For example, instead of only resolving a safety or quality issue at the plant where it occurred, you can implement the same solution at all similar sites as a preventive measure.

Data-driven continuous improvement with CheckProof

All your data in a single platform 

With CheckProof, you can gather all near-misses, incidents, deviations, non-conformities, quality issues, etc., in a single platform – regardless of whether they’re reported by frontline staff, a manager, or a customer.

Examples of issues you can log and follow up on with CheckProof: 

Accidents, injuries, near-misses, and other safety-related incidents

Complaints or warranty claims from customers (e.g., out-of-spec asphalt quality) via a form on your website

Environmental incidents (air quality issues, leakages, etc.)

Complaints from neighbors, e.g., concerning noise levels

Deviations flagged by external auditors

Suggested improvements from staff

Customized templates for a structured process

Enable issues to be dealt with in a structured way by creating customized templates that fit the specific requirements of your business, as well as relevant ISO standards, CE certifications, or local regulations. Include dropdown or free text fields for information such as what happened and where, the root cause of the issue, and the actions taken to resolve it and avoid similar incidents in the future. Perhaps there’s a need for additional training, safety equipment, or clarification of routines?

Accountability & traceability – let nothing fall through the cracks

Assign each reported issue to a responsible person (for example, the local plant manager or supervisor) and set a due date for resolving or following up on it to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Easy to share improvements across your organization

A reported issue may very well have implications beyond the local site where it occurred. Then, you can set the parameters of the ticket so it can’t be closed until it’s been confirmed that all relevant departments have been made aware of the issue and implemented a similar solution.

Turn your data into actionable insights

CheckProof lets you filter issues based on category, export reports as spreadsheets, or integrate the platform with your business intelligence systems. This enables you to detect patterns and recurring problems that require company-wide measures, making sure you invest in the right initiatives for maximum impact.

Discover how CheckProof can upgrade your concrete business

Do you want to find out how our mobile-first platform can help you save time and money in your concrete factory, ready-mix plant, or pumping operations? Simply contact us or book a 30-minute demo.